Charging from your alternator or tow vehicle

If you have  a Tow, 5th wheel or Class A, B,C  or even Van build, this question will come  up. “I have an alternator, somewhere, how do I use that to charge my  house batteries?”   Don’t read more into this until necessary. A charging alternator will  dump power into your  batteries with little to no effort. But to do it  properly, it takes a small effort.

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Charging from your alternator or tow vehicle

If you have  a Tow, 5th wheel or Class A, B,C  or even Van build, this question will come  up. “I have an alternator, somewhere, how do I use that to charge my  house batteries?”   Don’t read more into this until necessary. A charging alternator will  dump power into your  batteries with little to no effort. But to do it  properly, it takes a small effort.

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Where and why to cut corners…..

Solar Builds tend to get  pricey. When a perspective customer  asks me  on how  to save  money,  I direct them to look to the future. Saving money NOW  is not long term. You should look at your build and where it will/should be in a year or five  years. Money, that is well spent up front, will SAVE you tons down the road, like a sound investment.  This is not a sales pitch. I have personally experienced it  and hindsight carries a large  price tag.

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Rooftop Solar Panels

I often get the questions on how much solar should my van or RV or trailer have. My standard answer is usually not the correct answer. I often say “Get as much as you can afford and fit in your space”

The question should be not about solar panels, but about how much BATTERY should I have. Your whole power system does not run on solar. It runs on battery, when off grid. Solar just recharges the batteries when the sun is out, in which peak sun only averages about 6 hours a day.

So, now I say, “Get as much battery you can afford and fit and size the solar to effectively recharge that battery system. “

Now, none of this can be done intelligently without you first doing a practical power audit. You will have to determine how much power you need in your Van, RV, 5th Wheel, Sail Boat or whatever you need to power.

So, take your largest power consumer. Usually this is refrigeration, which runs 24/7. Get the electrical power rating of that fridge and multiply that by 24 hours in a day.   IE, 600 Watts/hour times 24 hours.



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